The Ultimate Guide to Inspire Therapy for Apnea

The Ultimate Guide to Inspire Therapy for Apnea

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Reaction to Having Part of Your Face Covered: It is common to feel claustrophobic while wearing something that covers your face. Even simple face coverings can trick your brain into thinking you are trapped and unable to breathe.

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If you’ve received a diagnosis of obstructive sleep apnea (OSA)—which causes numerous brief pauses in breathing as you sleep—your doctor has probably recommended continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) as a treatment.

Talk to Your Doctor About an APAP Machine: If your CPAP aerophagia is bad enough to make you consider quitting CPAP therapy, it may be time to talk to your healthcare provider about switching to an APAP machine, which delivers the lowest air pressure possible to still keep your airway open.

CPAP was first developed in the 1980s and its underlying principle is that of continuous mild air pressure which serves to stent open the airway, and thereby overcome anatomical areas of collapse or obstruction. The key elements of the system include a CPAP machine (which creates the pressure gradient) and tubing, which attaches to, and transmits pressure to, the CPAP mask.

This makes your airways narrow and collapse, and you stop breathing for a moment, until your brain wakes you up to begin breathing again. Read more about obstructive sleep apnoea(external link). 

What are more info the benefits of CPAP? CPAP is a safe and effective treatment for people with sleep apnoea. You should sleep better after using it. Treatment often improves how well you function in the day, with better concentration and improved behaviour in children. 

Dry mouth. An uncomfortably dry mouth can occur when a full mask fails to form a tight seal over your face or with a nasal mask or nasal pillows if you’re mouth-breathing, says Rowley.

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Try Comfort Accessories for Comfort: If you have checked all the above factors and are still having trouble, consider adding mask strap pads—a soft covering for your headgear straps—to your CPAP set-up.

Over-Tightened Headgear: When your headgear is too tight, it can put additional pressure on certain parts of your head and even your neck, leading to muscle tension and tenderness.

Despite the less than optimal adherence to CPAP therapy, most studies evaluating methods to improve CPAP adherence have been focused on patients that are newly initiated to CPAP therapy. There have been relatively few studies evaluating interventions to improve CPAP compliance in patients who are having difficulty with, or are intolerant to, CPAP therapy. Clinical experience and data from clinical trials demonstrate that clinicians should address common problems such as poor mask fit, excessive leak, adjustments in humidification, and assuring proper treatment settings prior to discontinuing CPAP therapy.

EPAP stands for expiratory positive airway pressure. An EPAP is a small nasal device2 consisting of valves that sit in each nostril, creating a seal. 

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